So this love you grow with the birth of your own child got me to thinking about life in general. Life is really so short. And it can be cut even shorter so abruptly, at any time. Silly things in life don't really matter much at all. The right type of clothing, car, house... none of that matters. It's hard to realize that. I know that we just have to do the best we can. There is no real need to strive for material things, as they hold no importance. Love really is all we need. Not to be cliche, I just believe it to be so.
I'm about to become a mom. I will no longer just be me, myself and I. I will be a MOM. A little person is going to look up to me for everything in his life until he can figure things on his own (doesn't that start at twelve?). My parents will become grandparents. My grandparents will be great grandparents. A whole section of our family line will be formed. My siblings and I are no longer the "kids" of the family. With the birth of our son, he will start the new line of "kids".
Is this what our parents felt when they first started their families? We are so young. How do we know anything about children? We just all go about our everyday lives and don't think about the reason we are here. We just worry about "stupid" things like bills and worldly things. We don't ever seem to put our families a

I know that giving birth to our boy will bring a new meaning to life. We will feel a powerful love that we have never felt in our lives. From what I've heard, becoming a parent can really transform a person. I choose to let it transform me. I remember talking to Kyle about how it's going to be so strange to not think of myself first. I won't get to do what I want, when I want. Our boy will always come first. He reassured me that it will come naturally. I love that he has faith in my ability to be a good mom.
I don't feel that I will be the best mom ever created. I know I will make mistakes. I know that our son will one day resent me... but then he will get over it. He will know I did the best I could with what I had. I won't be the best mom in the world, but I WILL be the best mom I can be. For my son. For our family. We are only with each other for a short period. Years really aren't that long. I've got to remember to always cherish my family. Through thick and thin, dirty laundry on the floor, dirty house and dishes.
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