We know that when it comes time to switch food for our dogs, that we must mix the old with the new to transition the change. They have sensitive stomachs and we are careful to not disrupt their digestion too much. It's been about a month since we've changed their food. It seems that just recently, Boobies has been really inhaling his food. We watch him and see that he actually is sucking in his ribs to eat. Then he hacks and wheezes and sometimes even throws his food back up.
I've been trying to feed him little by little lately. That seems to help a bit. I give Monkey his food first, across the kitchen, and then I feed Boobies a teeny bit of food at a time. I try to praise him when he actually chews. He seems so ravenous. I wonde

I know he doe

He went from being our only "baby" since he was a puppy, to being just another dog. Monkey came into his life when he was three and lost a part of his pedestal as the best dog ever. Now, he's been watching as we work on the nursery and buy baby things, and he's probably sensing another change coming. I wonder if we need to get him a new toy and pay extra attention to him? I don't think that Monkey is as affected by any possible changes as he still acts the way he's been since we've known him. As long as he gets affection and gets to snuggle with Kyle on the couch, he is satisfied.
I'm going to keep trying to feed Boobies slow and see if that helps any. There are some bowls out there with

This must just be practice for kids... We get so mad at him for doing "stupid" things like breathing his food down and then up-chucking it all over the carpet. It's not his fault he's doing this, if it's caused by emotion or stress. We have to get over our aggravation of his behavior and try to get to the root of it. Hopefully if we pay more attention to him and show him that we love him, he will feel more at ease... Parenting practice... that's how I look at it.
He'll be okay. I mean, he's BOOBIES. Boobies are great!
ReplyDeleteJust so you know- I look forward to reading your blogs every single day- just don't get a chance to comment on them much. But, every day I check to see if you've written.
how big are his food chunks? i had to get Beaz "big dog" food cuz the pieces are way bigger and they fill him up better. he's NOT a fan of tiny kibble... he has to eat more n faster to feel like he's eating the same amount... it's helped his weight too! ~h~
ReplyDeleteoh and yea, good practice is right! cuz Rylie's ALWAYS doing something like eating funny (if you let her try n hold her own bottle she gets it at this weird angle n swallows SO MUCH air!) and then yuking all over... it's not her fault but sometimes we're like, dood kiddo you did it to your own damn self hunny! :p