Nearing the end of my pregnancy, I have been noticing a few rather peculiar things. This should not come as a surprise, as most everything involving pregnancy is unusual to me. One particularly new trend that has been developing is the casual way to greet me. I know that my belly protrudes far beyond my normal stature and expect that it is going to be more noticeable to strangers that I am "with child".
So, Hubs and I went to Lowe's last night to pick up some odds and ends to finish up the ceiling fan project that he started in the nursery. We didn't have a fan in there and it is going to be much needed in the spring and summer... and fall... and some of the winter months here in Florida. We placed our purchases on the counter and proceeded to the cashier. The cashier looked at me and said, "How much longer?". I was tempted to reply, "well, as long as it takes for you to finish ringing up our supplies". I decided against it and realized he was just striking up conversation with me. My belly gets a "hello" before my head does. Okay. I can be okay with that. So I told him eleven weeks. I then recounted how I can't believe I'm going to be getting bigger than I already am. I feel like I'm as big as I "should" get already. But we all know I'm going to swell up like the Goodyear blimp come the end of this trimester. I'm sure he didn't want to know every detail, but I figured he started it.
I don't mind that my belly gets a hello... It's good. It proves that I, indeed, look pregnant, and not just chubby. I'm okay with that. I'm not okay with the fact I can't seem my hoo-ha anymore, but that's another story in itself.
So, today was baby stuff shopping day. Kyle and I went to a few stores to compare prices and to "play" with the selection. We want to make sure we get our money's worth, and that we get something we will like for a long time. We want to make sure it will be gender-neutral too, as we know we want more than one child.
For a baby that will come out knowing nothing or caring of simple things like bumper borders in the crib or paint on the walls, we sure have a LIST of things to get. I think we are down to just a few "necessities" like an activity center, a play mat, a high chair and a pack-and-play. Other than those things, I think we will be home free to just get odds and ends like toys, books, and clothes.
Well, we are always proven wrong when we go to Babies R Us. They can really make parents-to-be fee

You're going to be a GREAT Mom. Don't let the overwhelming supply of baby stuff out there make you feel in over your head. It's just corporate America's way of making moms-to-be max out their credit cards ;)
ReplyDeleteYou have everything you need already: Good husband and almost here baby boy. The rest will fall in to place.
I can't wait to meet him!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree... you guys are going to be awesome parents... AND if you need anything please ask me if I have it stored away in my garage/closet... You can have/borrow anything... :)
ReplyDeletenice catch on the stroller combo! cuz most women would see that, and considering most are like $280, would think that's a great sale, but i'll tell ya, i'd rather have the money now than my combo... get the infant car seat and that fold out cart thing that goes under it instead of an over priced and HUGELY HEAVY stroller. rylie's already old enough for a light $20 umbrella stroller now... ugh. :n) you're right, 90% of that stuff is useless. both her swing and her bouncer only got used for like 2 months n now just sit there... and those bumbo things are the biggest waste of money EVER! $40 for a chair??? i just put her in her high chair, boppy, or exersaucer... all ya need are diapers, a place to set him down, a place for him to sleep, and whatever you decide makes your life easier, so for me, those disposable pads. hahahaaa :n) i can handle a $3 helper! :n) if there's anything you need and dont have, let me know n maybe i can lend you rylie's until i have baby #2 :n) we can just keep swapping, hahahaa! i sooooo wish you lived closer, i'd be there with a truck full of stuff, her bassinet, swing, bouncer, she's outgrown them all already! and she's not a big girl at ALL! :D i will say, the pack n play is a godsend... now that she's sleeping in her crib more, when she gets testy i have that in our bedroom so she can still come sleep with us at 4am if need be, since she's way too big for her bassinet now... and it was the major piece of furniture in our living room for MONTHS! for sleeping, changing, you name it!