One reason I hope for Christmas Eve's good night sleep is from a prime example I got last night. Brady (his tentative name this month) was a kicking fool last night! It was incredible!! He was so active from my dentist appointment at noon all through the rest of the night. I don't know what crawled up his butt!
I have a feeling that he was moving around during my dental cleaning because he could feel my nerves. I always tense up when the hygienist gets to scraping my teeth! Yowch!! But, she did say for a pregnant woman, my gums weren't too bad at all. I guess I have to be particularly careful about my teeth while I'm pregnant. Bacteria grows like nuts during pregnancy. Must spawn the rumor that says you lose a tooth with every pregnancy.
So last night, while laying in bed watching TV, Mr. Brady Baby decided to toss and turn. I have no idea what he was doing and can see why Tom Cruise got his wife an ultrasound machine when she was pregnant (as crazy as he is)... I just want to know what he's doing in there! I can't even tell the difference between a kick and a punch yet! He was showing off, though, I swear! He was showing off for Daddy. Kyle had his hand on my belly and could feel the "wormies" and thumps here and there. He lit up with joy! It's so cute to see the sparkle in his eyes when he feels the baby move! It was sweet, too, when he said he was jealous I can feel this all the time. I'm sure he won't feel that way when baby gets bigger and starts getting crammed under ribs!

Oh, so now that I've expressed our latest name choice is Brady, I should probably explain why. We wanted a name that would be boyish and manly at the same time. We are thinking Brady, as in Tom Brady, not Brady Bunch. Was worried that would come up while he is in school, but kids his age shouldn't have any idea what the Brady Bunch is. So I figure we are safe with that. He'll probably get called Braidy, as in hair braids.. But we will get him toughened up on that. Brady is an Irish name that means "spirited" and "broad chested". I figured with Kyle's genes he will have a broad chest. We still don't have a middle name in stone yet, but I think we will honor Brady's father and have that be his middle name.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say yet, but we found out last night that our boy will have twin GIRL cousins! I'm thrilled!! I think it's wonderful because one of my favorite cousins is a boy. It will be good for Brady to have more females in his life.

On this Christmas Eve, I have decided to be as cheerful and full of the holiday spirit as possible. I have been blessed with more than I could have ever have imagined by way of gifts and warm blessings from the people in my life. I feel I can never re

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Brady... Dave nixed it for me... LOVE IT!