I have heard from many people and have read in books that some of the sounds that baby can hear while in the womb can be used to comfort him when he's in the outside world. This is why they recommend that the father talks to the baby and the mom is told to read to her baby out loud. I've read stories where a woman would watch the same soap opera every afternoon. When her baby was born, she would find that as soon as the theme song came on to her favorite show, the baby was pacified and went to sleep.
All of these studies are well and good and I believe that they do have some weight. I just wonder if I'm doing any damage? I have read it's good to talk to the baby, and to laugh.. But I haven't really read that you should boogey down.
You see, I have a bad habit of having my own mini "concerts" in the car whenever I'

There is this one particular song that I really like the beat of. I turn it up pretty loud and put on my concert. Hey, at least when I have a Britney Spears concert I'm really singing. She's famous for lip syncing!! So anyway.. I have discovered that baby loves this particular song that I'm digging. It's called "Phonography". Sounds pretty innocent, right? Wrong.
Here are some of the lyrics:
"Let's talk about biology
Make believe you're next to me
Phonography, phonography
Talk that sexy talk to me
Better make sure that the line is green
Keep it confidential, you and me
Phonography, phonography
Dirty talk and call it phonography (Hey!)"
That soun

I know I can change the music I'm exposing my fetus to... But I don't want to. Like I said, I'm addicted to the cd. I wonder if I'll have to play the cd for his lullaby music? That would push it too far, wouldn't it? Time for lamo songs like "Mary Had a Little Lamb" or this little lamb won't be sleeping without pulsating beats of "dirty talking phonography"!!
We were serious Guitar Hero 2 junkies when I was pregnant with Blake... he loves music so much now its crazy... put Hip Hop on for him (which I listened too constantly in the car while pregnant) and he does his little man dance... put rock music on in the car and he head bangs in the back seat. He even plays the Rock Band drums to-the-beat of whatever song is on... Maybe you are just making sure the baby gets some rhythm? :)