Wow... I can not believe that I'm 24 weeks now. Our baby boy is due in 16 weeks. That's just four measly months! I am not ready for him to come any earlier than that, that is for sure! Everyday I feel him kick more and more. I can feel him doing jumping jacks and splits and whatever acrobatics a 6 month old fetus can think to do. It's really amazing and I'm never tired of waiting to feel his next move. His punches and kicks are stronger. I can feel him swirling when he rolls over. I find my baby very fascinating.. which I'm sure just makes me a regular mom.
I can't believe our boy will be here in four tiny months. I just can't believe it. I feel like I've already been pregnant forEVER, but at the same time, not long enough yet. I can't be more than half way through already??? I was starting to get nervous from tales of early babies lately, so I decided to look at the women in my family to see if I can get some reassurance tha

First, I thought of my own mom. But then I reminded myself that because I was her first born and was breech, she had to schedule Cesarean Sections for all of her babies. I guess more than twenty years ago, doctors figured it was easier to just repeat C Sections for following children than to risk complications with vaginal birth. Yeah, it's because I wanted to sit on my butt in the womb that I have no birthing reference from my mom.
So then I asked my Cuz (Grams) how her births went. Uncle Mike was two weeks late, my mom was a week early (the last time she will ever be early for something), and Uncles Stan and Dan were just about on time. That is reassuring. I feel that if delivery times can be planned from history, I have a safe shot at seeing our son when he's due. Cuz even made the prediction that

I have heard that first babies are sometimes late babies. I'm not going to wish myself extra pain or uncomfort, I just want to know he will wait his full 40 weeks then come on time. I need all the time I can get to get ready for him. Cuz says that when he is born it will feel like he was never not here before. It will be so sweet. I will fall in love with him for sure. Not that I'm not already in love with him.
He's my active bugger and I love my private moments with him. When somene is boring me with some story they think I want to hear, I can just smile and know that my little boy is swirling around. He's having a great time listening to sounds and exploring his surroundings. I can smile knowing I know this inside. It's the magic of pregnancy. I can't believe I only have 16 more weeks left to feel this.
Yeah, at this rate, I can totally understand why there are crazy families out there who can't stop themselves from having more and more babies. Especially if they can afford them. 17 kids and counting. Yeah, I can understand them...
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