While chatting around the coffee table in Cuz's living room this weekend, we reminisced about Riley and how much we missed him. It has been just a couple of weeks since we had to let him go and we really needed to vent about it. It still hurts our hearts to think of life without him. It really feels like we lost a very important family member. Tears were flowing, sniffles were coming... it was a very emotional time for Kyle, Cuz and me. We thought of fun times and goofy times; Cuz thought of when she had to let her sick dog go a while back and how thinking about it still gets her choked up. I think it was really important for Kyle to talk about what he experienced. He was with Riley for his last breath and I really hadn't heard how it affected him until this past weekend. It's a really difficult thing to live through and I'm still very grateful that our boy at least had him by his side. I would still be wracked with even more guilt if I knew he was just left at the vet's office on "death row". Kyle said he would have barricaded me in the house if I even thought about going with him for that. He was very protective of me, and I really appreciate it.
Needless to say, with tears flowing, tissues were not keeping up. Just when we were starting to ease up on the crying, Kyle grimaced as he bellowed, "look at your feet!!!!". Startled, I first looked at Cuz, but she was wearing shoes. I realized he was shocked to see my bare feet. I was awestruck by my bloated feet when I glanced at them. I was bewildered and baffled at how fat my feet had gotten. I started to reflect on the night out and could remember that my feet did feel a little tight... but Shrek sized??? I had no idea!!
My feet looked like they had ballooned into mini clubs!! I had club-feet.. and not hot-club feet, but nubby club... Gross, Yabba-Dabba-Do feet. I couldn't believe it!! I had always heard that pregnancy can cause feet to swell with water retention, but this was crazy! Was I retaining the Gulf of Mexico??
Six weeks left of my pregnancy and I get to learn first hand, that I can never fully grasp anything again for a while, with my banana hands. I won't be able to wear real shoes again for a a month or so more with my Man feet. It's incredible how at one moment, I can feel so cute and pregnant.. Then the next minute, I'm fat hand/foot lady and feel like the Goodyear blimp. It's amazing. So, after a good cry about our lost loved ones, we laughed so hard at my ginormous feet that not only were tears spilling, but the snot was flowing. It was a messy sight, I'll tell you. I laughed so hard that my eyes were bloodshot and I couldn't keep enough tissues ready on my lap.
We had a good catharsis this weekend. Got to feel a lot of emotions in just a matter of an hour or so. It was a good release, even if it did mean filling five tissues and I did learn I could Flintstone us home the next day if the car broke down.
LOL... you are just too funny! I love the use of the term "banana hands" :)