My little boy had his six month check up today. I usually love to bring him to the pediatrician's office because I get to really show him off. This is the only place where they ask a million questions about my son and I get to gladly tell them all they want to know. "Does he roll from front to back? Can he sit up by himself? Does he giggle and coo? Is he on solids?" I love how in-depth the doctors and nurses are and how much they want to know about B-Man.
Brady is such a ham when it comes to pretty girls. He really can't help himself from showing off his two pearly white bottom teeth. The nurses and female staff get a dose of dimples whenever he makes eye contact. It's the male doctors that make him nervous. That is probably a result of being around me and my non-manly voice 24/7. I actually have finally moved out of his room at night, so I'm no longer with him 24 hours a day. That's a relief.
So the doctor visit went pretty well. He's 30 inches long, 20 pounds, 13 ounces. His head measures 18 inches around. Overall, for a six-month-old baby he's large and in charge. There were no major concerns. Brady's biggest concern was the five shots he had to have today. He received all of his required vaccinations and the flu shot. We will be traveling with him in a plane next month, so I figured it was better safe than sorry. He will get his follow up shot the day before we fly away.
Shots-time is the most difficult for me, and I am pretty sure most moms would agree. I find myself feeling so awkward. I don't know where to put myself. I want him to know I am there for him, but at the same time, I don't want him to think that I am hurting him. I find myself petting his belly and "oohing" and "aahing" at him to distract him. The first vaccination he received was a sugary-sweet drink. I'm not really even sure what it protects him against, but he's had it since his very first check up. He seemed relieved while he drank the liquid. The relief was short-lived. Once the nurse inserts the first shot and quickly moves on to her second and third, he's a ball of tears. I feel so bad for him. Today I actually witnessed some blood spill out from one of his shots. I almost cried. My poor baby. I always have to remind myself that it's better that he feels a moment of pain than a lengthy amount of time being sick.
Luckily, I thought ahead this time and dressed him before his shots. The last time we were at the office for his four month check up, I dressed him afterward. He was so upset, I couldn't get him to stop screaming, so he remained upset the rest of the afternoon. When the nurse was finally finished with his vaccinations, I scooped up my little man and held him close. I am so relieved he stopped crying shortly thereafter. He's napping now. He's probably exhausted from the amount of stress he was in this afternoon. My big, sweet baby boy.
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